Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19 with BigRep
In this time of crisis, every person has a role to play, whether it is staying at home, providing an essential service or working on the front lines. In the additive manufacturing industry, many companies and individuals have stepped up to leverage 3D printing capabilities to help support the community and especially those working on the front lines, to protect them from exposure to the novel coronavirus virus.
Among the 3D printing companies striving to make a difference is BigRep, the leader in industrial large scale additive manufacturing. In response to the spread of COVID-19, the company is donating face shields to local organizations to provide protection from the novel coronavirus. The company is also asking you to be part of the solution and print protective face shields for organizations and citizens in your local community. With the following face shield design, you can help provide some desperately needed equipment in your community. On a BigRep ONE users can print up to 24 of the masks at once, so we’re asking our network of partners and customers to get involved. To help, BigRep is offering a complementary 2.3kg spool of PLA in exchange for video footage of you producing the equipment on your BigRep 3D printers. We’ll use that footage to continue our call for action, getting more and more people involved in this movement.