Nieka Systems Using Markforged 3D Printing Technology
Utilizing Inconel 625 for Rapid and Repeated Temperature Cycling
The Challenge
Canadian based company, Nieka System produces sample preparation equipment for the mining and cement production industries. The machines at Nieka System converts ore or cement samples into glass discs that are further used to make precise compositional analyses of the sample.
To produce the sample preparation equipment, the material samples are first melted at temperatures of up to 1000C in a block of platinum curable, then poured into a heated platinum mold and is cooled quickly. Due to these rapid temperature changes from the melting and cooling process, the internal components in Nieka’s fusion instruments need to be made from materials that can tolerate high heats and keep up with rapid temperature cycles.
The company chooses Inconel for the production of crucible clips. Inconel is a nickel-based superalloy that can withstand the temperature of up to roughly 1000C. CNC machining was looked at as an option for producing crucible clips in the Inconel, however, history showed that the lead time was too long and the cost was well beyond Nieka System’s budget. The company then turned to 3D printer service bureaus to outsource 3D printed Inconel 625 crucible clips using Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) technology. The outsourcing cost was initially very appealing however, the lead times were highly unpredictable and the costs began adding up. The concern about keeping up with the product demand grew within the team as they already produce equipment offered to 20 countries worldwide.
“By adding the Markforged Metal X in-house, there’s virtually no lead time on these parts anymore.”
— Louis Croisetiere Ph.D., Founder, Nieka Systems
The Solution
Worried that they wouldn’t be able to keep up with product demand, the founder of Nieka Systems, Louis Croisetière, decided to bring production in-house with the Markforged Metal X system and two composite 3D printers. Nieka Systems selected Markforged for its track record of producing successful 3D printers, emphasizing that “Markforged had a market-ready solution and years of business experience.” Nieka was quickly able to adapt their previous design for the crucible clip and easily print it in Inconel 625 on the Metal X system. The clips have already demonstrated their value after passing Nieka’s internal testing and are now standard in global production units.
Since introducing two types of Markforged high-strength 3D printers to the facility, Croisetière and his team have seen a change in how far they can push their product’s design. From composite prototypes to 3D printed Inconel 625 production parts, all of their printers are used across the business. “It’s reduced assembly time for us, and we have none of the design limitations we would have had if we used traditional methods,” said Croisetière. 3D printing the same batch of parts in-house is now more cost-efficient and much faster. It is 10x cheaper and instead of waiting up to 4 weeks using traditional methods, the production process is completed in 4 days using the Markforged system, and they have saved $108,000 CAD (~$80,000 USD) on part costs alone within a year.
“The Metal X system allows us to make parts faster, reduce lead time, know exactly when we can deliver, go further with the design. And cost-wise, it was very much a no-brainer.”
— Louis Croisetiere Ph.D., Founder, Nieka Systems
Looking Ahead
The team at Nieka Systems has increased its product development speed by bringing Markforged 3D printers in-house. The Metal X and composite 3D printers have accelerated their manufacturing process and are also used to fabricate jigs and assembly aids. The Metal X was initially used to the 3D print crucible and mould clips but is now used for printing other parts too. The Markforged machines have improved the company’s workflow and are now an integral part of Nieka Systems’ production process. “Some of our new designs are based on the fact that we can print the parts, so I would say it’s kind of changed the way we work,” said Croisetière.